music & lyrics/Hazuki
i’ll never love anyone again, or so i thought.
because i want unrestricted freedom.
i can’t forgive you, now your smile is just creepy to me
i can’t forgive you, and that’s why i chose to be alone, but
it repeats. because of you.
“i love you, i can’t see a thing.” i just want to be together.
more than loneliness, more than freedom, now i just want you.
“i love you, i can’t see a thing.” i just want us together,
just be beside me when it hurts, when i’m about to fall apart.
blood wells up in the wounds of the past once again.
i’ll spill the same blood. i don’t mind the pain.
if we someday understand each other outside of our dreams,
i want you to love me. then we can choose to be alone together.