
music & lyrics / Hazuki

i become a snake and trace along you
drawing my tongue along your ripened red scars

feast1 on the night of the moon

this darkness, this song, let’s start it and hold it up high
to a beautiful unparalleled world

a love so great it’s terrifying

i stab, piercing through you
reaching out for the taboo set free

on a night of evil

To falling down

this darkness, this song, let’s start it and hold it up high
to a beautiful unparalleled world

i want to offer this darkness, this love to you

a certain pulsation

In the dark ages

this nightmare growing distance, let’s start it and hold it up high
to a beautiful unparalleled world

i want to offer this darkness, this love to you

farewell light
farewell color
i’ll lead you to a black future

My name is evil

1: “meshimase” is a verb that has multiple meanings depending on the context, but there’s not much context here! “Eat/drink” is a common meaning so I went with that.

From Hazuki’s September 2015 tweet about the song: “In contrast to [the album] GALLOWS which oepned with explosive energy, this song has a bewitching eerieness like a big snake slithering heavily on the ground.”