music/lyrics – Hazuki

love: the proof of existence
you’re here now, so whose name will you shout?
shout it out loud

carve this rose-colored moment into these eyes

I am not an effigy or a vision
i’m here, now, screaming my existence aloud
Establish the existence of me

an existence of flesh and blood, breaking through the false image
i’ll carve this rose-colored moment into those eyes

taste this, Forever and ever, eternally
if we connect, I never, it never ends
love and go mad
heads spinning, we make this unavoidable hour


our melding lives are punching through the future
so much that we can’t go back
carve this rose-colored moment into your heart
this rose-colored future


taste this, Forever and ever, eternally
if we connect, I never, it never ends

that means Forever and ever, it’s eternity
if we yell, I never, it never ends
love and go mad
heads spinning, we make this unavoidable hour


i am the proof of my own existence
Establish the existence of me