
music & lyrics/Hazuki

the entire crown of my head ca
ves in, i’m a diver into a
fading consciousness, i
could cum instan
tly on insti
nct, want to ea
t, want to drink, want
to sleep, want to fuck, want
to die, want to live, an a
nthology, when my head spl
its open and i fall head first
with the girl who cried it’s by

Fun fact, the lyrics were originally printed upside down and backwards in THE BURIED… my feeling it that it’s intended to match the perspective of the protagonist as he jumps head first. The weird formatting is part of the way the lyrics are written as well.

This song’s live iteration is almost completely different from what you see here — most of the “want to ___” are replaced with “want to fuck” (yaritai).